Monday, November 24, 2008

you make me better.

so a friend told me yesterday
that i was doing better
in not being a rude, but
we wasnt sure that i didnt
want to be rude, and that
he thinks i like it.

which in a sense could be true.
i love expressing how im feeling
because it makes me feel better
but many times that comes with a
lack of thought for how what im
saying or doing can make the
other person feel. Initially
i tried to justify being rude,
but i opened my bible, and there
it was clear as day:

"he who restrains his lips has knowledge"
- proverbs 17: 27.

cant argue with that.
im thankful for friends
who allow me to see myself
a little more clearly.

now if i could only help them.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

true love.

true love.
a kiss on the lips from Jesus as you pray
the touch of God's hand upon your life
intimacy with God through His Word
love songs written to you in the form of the bible
Jesus sacrificing his life, for everything you are.

seek & understand these things, and i guarantee
you'll come to know true love, cause i swear im here
and im falling in love...

a man or woman cannot satisfy your need for companionship
until you truly find that missing piece of yourself in Christ. I realize
now that trying to fall in love or seek a relationship without
first having that intimacy with God is POINTLESS. God is a jealous
God and how can i be in love with someone else, when im not completely
in love with Him. When youre precious to God, he's stingy with you, and He
will not allow anyone to put their fingerprints on His trophy..