Monday, June 2, 2008

See, Here's the thing.

So last nite was a tremendous nite in my life.
Which is an ironic statement because I was hurt
sooooo badly last nite. But God!

I tried to explain to a "best" friend of mine
that I had been distant because I was growing
closer to God, and I needed to pull away in order
to get closer to God, and he told me "to live my life,
and you shouldn't be so holy you lose friends"...
what a magnificent statement from someone who
calls himself a Christian. That comment hurt me so
much, simply because he was someone who was so
close to me, and I expected him to understand and
to give me the time that I need. Instead he attacked me
and hurt me and made me seem like I thought I was better
than him. But the anger in his spirit is no conviction of mine
its a conviction of his own doing.

After this conversation I cried, I cried my little eyes out (again)
but I opened my Word, and there it was plain as day

"More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Hesys my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of allthings, and conut them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ." Phillipians 3:8

God clearly revealed himself in His Word, and encouraged me to count everything but rubbish so that I may gain more of Him. Something I am more than willing to do. At that moment I realized
how in love I am with God, to the point that I am willing to sacrifice anyting for Him. Even my closest friends if they are trying to pull me away. The cross that I bear casts it shadow upon their faces letting me see the Glory of God first, and letting all else be in its shadow.

I am feeling the relationship grow between God & I and He is already taking me to another level of worship. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! lol

I thank God because He is building awesome relationships with people around me. My Christian friend circle is opening and I am seeing awesome people for what they are, and im loving it. & There's a young man who is seemingly what I've been patiently waiting for...we shall see =)