Saturday, February 16, 2008

Take Your Own Advice Bee.

So a friend of mine
was expressing to me
the issues he was having
with a girl , and how they
were pretty much done and I told him

"Its okay to be hurt,
sometimes God places us in people's lives
to help them and teach them lessons, not to be
with them forever."

As i relayed this clarity from God to him
I came to an amazing conclusion. That was
my purpose with a certain someone (who I
have been going through hell trying to get over)
. Not to be with him forever , not to crawl back
to him begging him to love me once more. It was
to learn a lesson about relationships, and apply
what I learned to the next love God will place
into my life .

Thank God
I can see this so much more clearly. And I can
finally let go. =)

I really must learn to take my own advice. To cure
the fever in my own house before I go diagnosing
everyone else's sickness.

Girl Uninterrupted

mood: pensieve

at this point i find life so interesting in so many different ways.

there are so many intricate pieces to this puzzle that i have in my hands it just seems i dont know exactly where to place them. Some form of destiny calls to me but it seems like destiny throws its voice. kyle and i (shoutout to verBS) had a conversation about religion once and he put a powerful thought in my head he said :

"what if all this exists because we give it the power to exist" .

So im thinking that my destiny is whatever i give it the power to be, so basically im taking that and running with it. I've just gotta focus that energy and enable myself to see things more clearly. THANK GOD for His clarity, and for his abundant grace, and love...without those things i'd be insane and truly a girl interrupted.